Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Map in front of me

So I have made a change again and no hoists, sudocream, itch-relief, pharmacy trays, pads, incosheets or urine bags are involved. At least for now. I'm in CICD again and looking at the map in front of me... Malawi seems nice, also Mozambique... and I just started senior team, means working as the teachers right hand here and fundraising to go to Africa. If it will be Malawi I will probably leave in two months, if Mozambique, I need a bit more to learn the language. Why wasn't I born in Portugal.... would be so much easier now.
Spring really kicks in and on my first day here I got a special "Rolf-task" already. Jonas and I went to bring back one clothes container which was giving a good result, but kids loved to set it in fire. As it was not in the best neighborhood, it was really put there to stay for ages. Heavy metal container with screws and cement and all stuck to the ground. My god, it was so CICD to get it away from there. The whole neighborhood came to watch of course and were really hoping probably that this heavy thing will fall on our toes or something.. they had to leave dissapointed...
And then we were supposed to pick a up a car from Service. Well, i jumped out of our truck and told Jonas that it doesn't make sense if he waits, I'll just take the car and come a bit later. Which car i was supposed to pick up, i had no idea about. Tiny little insiginficant detail. You can imagine me, dirty a bit from removing the container and getting it on our truck, entering a Peugeot fancy showroom and asking a red car. No registration nr, i had no idea who of the school's staff actually ownes it and if in India I was from the moon when i asked to make a phone call to Estonia, then now i really was from the moon asking for a red car. It feels so CICD, you have no idea. But in a way I feel like home here. Right now i have single room with a cd player and even tv. Comforts of Senior team i guess. I already gave a presentation, tomorrow morning is booked by Wendy and soon I might go to Newcastle..... Home sweet home and do some clothes collection or something. Luuvly! I feel alive again!
Thanks to all who supported me with taking this decision and I try to be good and let you know, how things are going and where I'm about to go!
The world map is still there.... and i can see a little person messing around in Southern Africa... oooh, it's me i guess! Hahaa

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Life is like a box of Chocolates...

... that one of my clients gave me last night. Just to show his appreciation. sweet, isn't it. All different chocolates in a big box- you never know what you gonna' get... In my case- nothing as i cannot eat them, right. So is with the job i applied for. Well, on to next.
Yesterday i drove to office to drop our shedules from last week. while i was passing one big garden center, i saw a huge sign "Pure Indian paving available". I wondered.. i still do- What could that be? First i thought that these guys make money by selling dust. Then my mind went to all the stuff that is mixed with dust and i got the interest to know, how much it would cost to get it all and if cows are included or just dog-s... Anyway, it must me something fancy, but i got my mood back up and to be honest- i took one of the chocolates last night as well.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Ja mille krdi parast peab minu elu olema nagu seebiooper...

Noh, arusaadavalt ei kannata see inglisekeelset teksti ja ega ka emakeeles ei ole muud oelda kui et need read peavad tyhjaks jaama...

No control over weather and my mood.. haha

Long time since i last wrote, but i've been busy as hell. Trying to get some sleep and do everything that needs to be done. Including the crazy idea to apply for a new job. Well, people need change, don't they... and i've been working here ALREADY for a month... so no wonder i'm thingking of changing the job. Phew, i'm happy if at least two people in the world agree with me. So, if you, the current reader could be one of them, i would really appreciate!
I had the interview on Friday and it went well, but of course i'm not the only candidate for a senior instructor position in JCA (camps, adventures, teambuilding, sports etc), but i will already get to know the result on Monday and if it is positive, i'll leave this place Wed. or Thur. I would really love it. You can only guess how the office will hate me here.... specially as they just asked me to take relief care position. I probably won't enjoy telling them that i'll leave, but even crazy people have rights... including me and right now i only have to give one day notice.
Now to the weather... My interview was in Portsmouth and Friday was so warm, that even i was walking outside without my jacket (+15 at least). After the interview i went for a walk on the beach and around Marina, Port Solent. i went to see a castle in Portchester and was walking around 10-15 km that day. It was sunny, nice and warm. Today is Sunday and we had heavy snowfall in the morning, with temperature below 0. Crazy.... and driving this tiny automatic "Smart" in a country where half of the population haven't even heard of winter tyres.... My car was doing exactly what it wanted and i was constantly thinking that i'm actually lucky as it is not Monday, when everybody is out, going to work...
After 3 clients i had a short break when i normally have my breakfast, but as there was fresh snow, i decided to make a snowman instead.. you know, like other neighbourhood children- hahaaa, but it is such a cool guy now, everyone is smiling, when they step in as this buddy is greeting them with his cute smile outside. It probably won't last long as it is getting warmer already.
In general it is going with ups and downs, everybody is exited about my possible job change and surprisingly they support me and to be honest i'm not the only one in the house who is looking for something else to do... So we try to keep each others mood up. It is sometimes tricky, specially at 5 am, but it's so early only 60 seconds per day, so we survive ;-)