Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy new year!

So, it came. Like it or not, but it is here. Year 2009. I look forward to many changes in my life (not that I haven't had changes before.. khmmmm) and some solutions to problems that 2008 gave me.
But how did it come? It came in Malawi, in Chilangoma. We were 3 of us. 3 girls, sleepy, lazy to even cook something nice and we decided to spend the evening watching movies, not falling asleep and 12:01 go to bed. Terrible, huh. One girl said a very funny statement. "Girls, here we are... with our men far away or in malaria, celebrating the year-change with 5 candies and a bottle of water". That's how it was, only we went to bed later as the movie was so good we decided to watch it until the end. By that time I wasn't sleepy at all, so I was reading and thinking in my bed. Very different from my usual celebration, but for sure I will remember it well. And these were very good candies if somebody has doubt about our menu!