Sunday, 24 January 2010

Hot tempered Estonians- cd out soon!

Yup, that is the name of our unofficial band that doesn't really create music, just sometimes, but very irregularily. we are more like rhythm people and in general loud and annoying. At the same time I'm proud to be Estonian... yesterday when a crowd of people were asked to go and help out in the kitchen it was the Estonian crowd that stood up and went without questions asked... But back to our band... It all started with Hannes and I taking music classes and having maaaany hours with different coordination and rhythm exercises. plus singing with all four on the floor, on the back, walking around etc...
Then we discovered spoons. yeah, you couldn't really imagine what a tool that is. And please, more creativity now and get your mind further than soup!
The main purpose of a spoon is to stand on one's nose. Or if preferred, on a cheek and for the intermediate to advanced level, on a chin. Or why not on all. Being suicidal you can try with forks as well and take part in running competition like that- carrying a fork on your nose. Sounds like a proper adult past time activity... But Estonians don't settle with ordinary. We gave it a bit more tune and started to use the tools to beat a rhythm at the same time. Basically beating everything- tables, napkins, apples, mugs, sofas, each other... The mark of participation will remain on your body as a proof, no certificates needed. The cold northern people don't behave so odd... but the southern state of Estonia can afford going bananas. We decided here with the small group of hot tempered Estonians that we don't belong to Scandinavia after all. Proud to be Eastern European! Gimme some beat in life!

Saturday, 23 January 2010


Harra Sokk istus kapiriiulil ja sygas varvast. Ilus see kapp ei olnud. Lihtne, puidust kokku klopsitud kapikolakas, mis toenaoliselt saaskede roomuks oli tumepunaseks voobatud. Meelega voi mitte, aga neile pinisevatele lendkurjamitele see varv meeldis, miks muidu oli Harra Sokk varbasygamisega nii ametis, et ei pannud tahele isegi Proua Soki vestlust tumesiniste spordisokikaksikutega. Nagu harilikult, oli vestlusteemaks sokielu praktiline pool- nimelt olid spordisokikaksikud veendunud, et nende tumesinine varv annab neile paevade sisukuses eelise. Proua Sokk pyydis yha valjenevat vaidlust veidi vaigistada. Tal oli liiga selgelt meeles, kuidas viimases vaidluses Harra Sokk endast nii valja laks, et suutis ennast kaugesse kapinurga pimedusse ara peita ja Proua Soki pani see silmitsi seisma tosiasjaga, et ta oli araviskamise aarel, sest kellel ikka vaid yht sokki vaja on. Tookord koperdas Harra Sokk siiski oma peiduurkast valja, aga porises veel ka peale kahenadalast enese varjamist, et ebaoiglane on lahterdada sokke edukateks ja kasututeks vaid nende varvi pohjal. See polevat ikkagi ei habiasi ega kellegi syy, et nende peres on juba mitmendat polve maaravaks heleda alatooniga niit. Lisaks oli ta lausa uhke oma punase lepatriinukaunistuse yle sookisaares, mis just tanu tema hele-helerohelisele varvile nii kaunilt sarama loi. Harra Sokk raakis oma tusatujus alati viisil, nagu oleks oma ylaserva kummi alla neelanud ja see tegi kone pisut pingutatuks.
Proua Sokk ei soovinud oma mehe peitusemange enam kaasa teha ega oma eluga riskida ning ta otsustas kasutada hadavalet ja ytles spordisokikaksikutele, et tal on juustupirukas ahjus ja tunneb juba korbelohna ning lipsas oma kapipoolele tagasi, tommates kilekotiukse kindlalt enda jarel kinni.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Just no two-wheelers

Getting to Bornholm, my next home, was rather entertaining. Getting up at some strange hour, dad drove me to the airport. Regardless the weather the flight was on time- they probably really are used to everything in Estonia. Reaching Copenhagen at 7.20- just the time to go to work and me? I was just blessed with sunshine, some snow and mild minus degrees and a full day in one of my favourite cities in the world. I took train to central and I could even put my luggage to the central stations luggage store and off to town went to hunt for some breakfast as believe it or not, i wasn't really up for breakfast at 4am. 9am was much better for that.
I could find the bus to Bornholm with no special struggle and by that time i was already so sleepy i was sleeping through the whole trip to Ystad in Sweden to take the ferry to Bornholm. Fruit smoothie on the ferry and i felt half awake again. At least awake enough to continue reading my book which caused strange faces on the ferry as it is probably not a custom that one girl sits in the corner and laughs on her own. I felt great.
As it had been snowing on Bornholm the whole day the headmistress asked me to take a taxi as she didn't want to drive. So the last bit of a transport was a taxi with a very nice and talkative driver.
In one day- car, plane, train, bus, ferry and taxi- i just missed a bicycle or something. What a mistake!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

No change in my life style- just in the name of the country(ies)

Guess what... a year has passed and all the travelling from Malawi to UK, working in UK, being at home for long summer holiday, visiting Latvia, working in UK again and leaving my work there with all the juicy tiny bits, happenings and disasters haven't been written down... My deepest apologies to Liina and her sister! Others of course as well...
Guess what 2... I'm packing again. This time my travel takes me so nearby and for such a short time that I was even considering not to change my profile country in Orkut- then again, maybe I will, as nobody likes liars. If I only knew which country does it state right now. I will check that out later.
To the business- I'm going to Denmark (an island called Bornholm) for 4 months, starting my trip at a most convenient hour- 4.30 am tomorrow- to go to an art school. It will be a bit a of a change to my vans, trucks, buses, forklifts, containers, fan belts and all the beautiful machine park I tried to manage in Newcastle/Durham.
So this 4 months will make me a calm, sensible, creative, stable person that stops wandering around the world, gets a bank loan with all the rest and spends rest of the life paying it back. Hey, I got carried away plus having an issue with lies again, but I can't really correct my mistakes now as I have to packmy suitcase AGAIN.