Wednesday, 24 March 2010

How to hurt a finger in many ways within a few hours

This is a lesson for all the eager learners by the absolute master in her subject! Follow each step as described otherwise you may still have some feeling left in your finger in the end!
1. Go happily to jewellery workshop
2. Start cleaning the floor, pick up some needles and stick your finger with it many times in a row, as close to each other as possible.
3. take a piece of metal (preferrably silver or messing) and a metal saw and start sawing out a miniature star. cut slightly your finger about 5 times, but just to scratch the skin. NO BLEEDING WOUNDS!
4. hold the star with tweezers while filing the sharp ends to round ones. keep a small part of a fingertip stuck between tweezers from time to time. use surprise method, hurts better!
5. then take pieces of silver that you have sandcasted a day earlier to drill holes to the top. Break at least 4 drill heads and with the last one, trying to keep the silver piece in order while the drill head breaks, offer your finger to the drill and cut a deep wound into your finger, so that blood splashes all over the bottom plate of the machine.
6. put a plaster on and continue with a new drill head, holding the pieces tight and by that get burned as the pieces heat up a lot with drilling.
7. notice the pain in the beginning, but forget about it and get used to it, continue your finger burning activity
8. notice the small blisters later in the evening and take no action to cure them.
Continue activities that don't let the wounds heal to gain the maximum effect from the lesson!
Good luck!

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