Elas kord yhe saarestiku peal rahvas, keda kutsuti ambrirahvaks. Nad ei saanud paris hasti aru, miks neid just nii kutsuti, aga igati sobralike ja leplike kodanikena ei purssinud nad vastu. Rahvas oli kuninglikust soost ja kauges minevikus hoopis suurematel maa-aladel elanud, aga nad leidsid, et uhke tuleb kyll oma mineviku yle olla, kuid olevikus otsustasid nad hakata suureks hoopis hingelt. Nii nad elasid rahumeelselt ja aitasid koiki. Kogu aeg! Aga kuidas teada, mida on vaja teha? Selleks treenis kuningakoda valja oma ouenarridest, keda ju enam vaja ei lainud, sest suurtel hingedel ei tule pahegi kellegi teise yle naerda, ninatargad (NINATARK: Nimme, Ilma Nahtava Argumendita Tohin Alati Riivavalt Kysida/Kommenteerida) ja see oli nii vaart amet, et sooviavaldajaid oli tuhandeid, mitte ainult ouenarrid. Ega kuningakoda kopikaid lugenud. Koik soovijad said koolituse, kuid tingimusel, et kuningakoda ei ole vastutav too leidmise eest. Sobralik ambrirahvas loomulikult aktsepteeris tingimusi, intelligentsete inimestena labisid nad koolituse vaid kolme paevaga ning olidki onnelikud ninatarga litsentsi omanikud. Kuningakoja ees jaeti sobralikult hyvasti, lehvitati yheskoos neile kymnele onnelikule endisele ouenarrile, kes said taaskord too kuningliku korguse alluvuses ning mindi yle saarestiku laiali, oluline luba tugevalt pihku pigistatud ja naod sygavas mottes, kuidas oma vastopitud oskusi kohe praktiseerima hakata.
Opetajaharra, kes samuti oli yks korgelt haritutest ja nyyd ka lisalitsentsi omanik ei pidanud pingutama. Tal oli loomulik anne ja piisav enesekindlus, et kohe jargmisel paeval uue lisaametiga suud pruukida. “Ja”h”, ytles ta. Nyyd siis opime inimese kehaosi. Krips-kraps tormas ta pingiridadevahelt labi ja jagas valja paberilehed, kus kõhetu poisike trussikute vael poseeris, naitamaks selgelt oma kasi, jalgu ja olematuid muskleid. Opetajaharra tahtis kohe keelt sygada ja kommenteerimisoskust proovida. “Nae, see poiss siin pildi peal nagu teie kaasopilane Tom, sama kohetu ja nalginud valjanagemisega.” See Amber oli opetajaharra nagu. Yhel ambrirahva hulka tulnud kauge ja ohtliku riigi kodanikul oli kohe suu poiki nina all ja tal oli ylbust avaldada arvamust, et selline vordlus oli aaretult kohatu. Opetajaharra kohmetus pisut, kuid kogus end kiiresti. Ju nagi oma litsentsipaberit kooliraamatute alt valja paistmas ja tegi uue katse:” No ma motlesin, et see poiss siin pildil ei soo, samamoodi nagu meie Tom.” Amber sai endale kaksikvenna, olles tapselt sama nagu nagu eelmine, kuid kolises juba poole rohkem. Opetajaharra hakkas selgelt oma topeltoost selleks paevaks vasima, kuid viimast joudu kokku vottes pingutas ta veel:”Ega siis Tom nii halb laps ka ei ole! Karl, Anna ja Sarah on palju hullemad!” Sarah vaatas, et oma noka saaks koos hoitud, muidu leiab opetajaharra uut joudu varskes ametis ja vaene mees nagi juba niigi rasitud ja hall valja.
Tomi isa mangis kunstnikku. Maalikunstnikku, ehtekunstnikku, kirjakunstnikku. Tegemist oli vaikest viisi sulleriga, sest koige enam valdas ta sulikunsti. Ta oli oma kunstiandesse nii kiindunud, et veetis suurema osa paevast ideid patsates. Siiski leidis ka tema aega minna kursustele kuningakojas ning harjutas nyyd usinalt iga paev, lootes mone aasta parast oma kontoritoo nurka visata ja paris oma ambribyroo avada. Tema ambrid olid alati vaga korralikust, soliidsest plekist ja ysna sygavad. Yhel paeval, juba ysna mitu paeva tagasi, kui Harra Uuno oli lastevanemate koosolekul kuulnud, et linnas tegutseb yks andekas kunstnik ja oh seda onne, tegutseb ta Tomi kooli ruumides, otsustas ta kaema minna, kas saaks vaikese sulitembuga hakkama.
Ta tegi targa nao pahe ja astus kunstnik Karmeni juurde. “Noooo, mis me siis tana maalime?” Karmen, kes oli ametis Madonna maalimisega ytles ymber pooramata:” Tana maalin mina talumeest heina niitmas. Mida teie maalite, ma ei tea!” Uuno oli nutikas mees, kohe taipas ara, et Karmen teeb temaga nalja. Tema ei maalinud ju yldse, tema oli ju alles yleriietes ja mytski peas, kuidas sai tema miskit maalida. Ta yritas paar korda kenasti naerdes myhatada. Valja tuli kyll ainult “oh-oh-oh”, kuid Karmen ei pannud seda tahele. Kyll pani ta tahele, et akki jai vaga vaikseks. Ta pooras ymber ja nagi Uuno vaga motlikku nagu. Kuna Harra Uuno midagei ei oelnud, poordus ta tagasi too poole ja enese valjendit kasutades, platserdas edasi. Juba kymne minuti parst oli Harra Uuno ennast piisavalt kogunud ja kysis pilti endisel motlikul ilmel uurides:” Aga kus on selle heinaniitja mehe vikat voi modernsetes tingimustes traktor?” Et vaest meest mitte rohkem segadusse ajada, otsustas Karmen toe kasuks ja ytles, et oli luisanud ja tegelikult maalib ta hoopis Madonnat. Uuno silmad loid sarama ja ta tahtis endale ka niisugust pilti saada. Oskusi tal kyll selleks ei olnud, seega idee nappamine ei tulnud sel korral kone alla, aga akki suudaks ta Karmenit veenda talle ka sellist pilti tegema. Ja ausa mehena pakuks ta ka vaikest tasu. Laks pisut aega, kuni ta suutis oma soovi Karmenile selgeks teha ja et paaseda hundi kyysist, Karmen noustus, pakkis oma asjad selleks paevaks kokku, pani need omanimelisse sahtlisse, Uuno iga tema liigutust jalgimas ning koos lahkusid nad koolimajast. Uuno Tomiga koju, Karmen oma koju.
Paar nadalat hiljem jooksid nad taas koolis kokku, kui Uuno tuli lastevanemate koosolekult. Ta kalpsas energiliselt Karmeni juurde ja ytles:”See… see… ma nagin, et seda pilti pole Te nagu viimasel ajal eriti edasi teinud, voi mis?” Karmen sai pahaseks, kuid kysis meeldival haalel:”Ja kust Teie seda nii hasti teate, Harra Uuno? Kas te kasite minu sahtlis?” Uuno sattus pisut kimbatusse ja vaikis… kohe pikka aega ja veel natuke ja veel paar hetke, kuid meenutas siis taskusolevat litsentsi ja ytles:”Aaaa… aga kui see teil sahtlis on, siis te ju ei saa seda edasi teha…!” …to be continued…
For all my family and friends to keep them updated with the country i'm currently living in, my crazy plans and ideas, happenings, comments and it has to be stated here that i do apologize for all ironic and sarcastic comments, but i'm experimenting with truth :-)
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
How to hurt a finger in many ways within a few hours
This is a lesson for all the eager learners by the absolute master in her subject! Follow each step as described otherwise you may still have some feeling left in your finger in the end!
1. Go happily to jewellery workshop
2. Start cleaning the floor, pick up some needles and stick your finger with it many times in a row, as close to each other as possible.
3. take a piece of metal (preferrably silver or messing) and a metal saw and start sawing out a miniature star. cut slightly your finger about 5 times, but just to scratch the skin. NO BLEEDING WOUNDS!
4. hold the star with tweezers while filing the sharp ends to round ones. keep a small part of a fingertip stuck between tweezers from time to time. use surprise method, hurts better!
5. then take pieces of silver that you have sandcasted a day earlier to drill holes to the top. Break at least 4 drill heads and with the last one, trying to keep the silver piece in order while the drill head breaks, offer your finger to the drill and cut a deep wound into your finger, so that blood splashes all over the bottom plate of the machine.
6. put a plaster on and continue with a new drill head, holding the pieces tight and by that get burned as the pieces heat up a lot with drilling.
7. notice the pain in the beginning, but forget about it and get used to it, continue your finger burning activity
8. notice the small blisters later in the evening and take no action to cure them.
Continue activities that don't let the wounds heal to gain the maximum effect from the lesson!
Good luck!
1. Go happily to jewellery workshop
2. Start cleaning the floor, pick up some needles and stick your finger with it many times in a row, as close to each other as possible.
3. take a piece of metal (preferrably silver or messing) and a metal saw and start sawing out a miniature star. cut slightly your finger about 5 times, but just to scratch the skin. NO BLEEDING WOUNDS!
4. hold the star with tweezers while filing the sharp ends to round ones. keep a small part of a fingertip stuck between tweezers from time to time. use surprise method, hurts better!
5. then take pieces of silver that you have sandcasted a day earlier to drill holes to the top. Break at least 4 drill heads and with the last one, trying to keep the silver piece in order while the drill head breaks, offer your finger to the drill and cut a deep wound into your finger, so that blood splashes all over the bottom plate of the machine.
6. put a plaster on and continue with a new drill head, holding the pieces tight and by that get burned as the pieces heat up a lot with drilling.
7. notice the pain in the beginning, but forget about it and get used to it, continue your finger burning activity
8. notice the small blisters later in the evening and take no action to cure them.
Continue activities that don't let the wounds heal to gain the maximum effect from the lesson!
Good luck!
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Hiir hyppas ja kass kargas, vana karu loi trummi!
Christ! It is all about me now. On Friday evening i decided to go to bed early, i was a bit tired and wanted to read after long time as well, so i took my stuff and already at 9.30pm i left from the common living room and walked towards my room. I have to pass music class on the way and it looked somehow very empty and sad in the dark like this, so i wanted to make the class a bit happier and stepped in. i had just checked the absolute basics of drumming from youtube and decided that now it is time to put it into practise. bloody hell, it worked and i started to try some fills on snare and then high hat and finally bass and it started to sound like rhythm. I honestly surprised myself and as i was so into action, i didn't even notice how 3 hours had passed by and it was past midnight. wishing all the peace for the people living near music room, i left and heard all sorts of rhythms in my head the whole night and since then i spend most of my time behind the drum set. yesterday i was trying more jazz rhythms, today i want to practise simple fills with metronome, to become accurate. so guess where i'm headed now! haha!Boom, bang crash. looooove it!
So we have had many birthdays lately and everybody is kind of tired of cakes, but that is not the hazardous part. I have found out that it is simply madness what our brains can produce here. It started with Eeva’s birthday on 26th of February, well, a couple of days ahead with 4 mad people creating the program for the day. Starting point: 6 am, meeting place: Eeva’s window, idea: embarrassment and discomfort to the Birthday child, repertoire: all kinds of weird songs that had not much connection to birthday. She woke up. No wonder! I think most of the campus was wide awake wishing we would disappear from the earth, at least from Denmark. We kept on singing and suddenly there was one more voice coming from around the corner. She was singing along, wearing something extremely short and wellingtons on her feet. So we were just standing there in the snow at 6.15 am, laughing and eating chocolate that she brought with her. My ration went to the birthday kid.
The next episode was prepared by this crazy gang a few days before, bit by bit so that we wouldn’t disappear all together. We made four boxes with a special filling in each. First one was put right behind her door on the table and SHE MISSED IT, so we had to give very straightforward hints later the day. It consisted of a gift token made by HMTGJ (Hullumaja Tegelik Geniaalne Juhtkond) that freed her from the kitchen duty for the whole day (It was her kitchen duty week) stating veeeery clearly it can only be used on that day. The next box was in the house kitchen, which she of course also missed at first. There was her food for the day. All sorts of candies and stuff like that. The third I placed in the common living room and having learned from previous experiences, I tied a red balloon to the box that was hanging from a book shelf so it could lead her to the box. It must be ordinary for her to see balloons appearing from time to time, so I still had to drag her to the box myself. That box had my short stories printed out for her as she is my kick in the butt her when it comes to writing. The fourth box was decorated by us and that led her to a painting that Mirjam had made; a portrait of her that was absolutely gorgeous. She was crying from time to time during the day, trying to convince us that she is actually not that weepy at all. We didn’t believe.
After the treasure hunt, we went with Hannes to bake two cakes. We were just tired of the ordinary stuff, so we decided to make something different. He made a very yummy apple cake-pie and I made my peach pie and when Mirjam and Moona (Anna-Liisa) came later, we also made two layered cakes with different fruit filling. It was all veeery good and we were almost satisfied with the result, but just two days after Eeva it was Moona’s birthday and we had to start planning that one very fast. We agreed that it has to be something very different and believe me, so it was.
The good thing with Moona is that she sleeps long during the weekends and her birthday was on Monday, so we had time to plan on Saturday and act on Sunday without major disturbances. Saturday brunch was the idea creating time and finally we agreed to try to sneak to her room in the middle of the night and pretend a party that was going on and she just fell asleep after few glasses of wine. As an addition, we wanted to give her a small bottle of her beloved rum and why have it easy… let’s hide it. In the snow! And later the day we should try to embarrass her a bit in front of the whole school singing stupid stuff that Hannes had come up with a few weeks ago. It also has to be said that Moona and I live in the same house, nr 7; others live in houses nr 1 and 2.
So, Sunday came and Eeva and I agreed to meet at 9am to make the cake for the early morning party and some also ready for the evening so we would have less trouble on Monday. As she loves chocolate, we made Sacher cake that is extremely full of dark chocolate. It was quite some work I’m telling you. Next we made two big honey cakes and later also cheese biscuits. It was a full kitchen duty, but very nice. At the same time others prepared a card, a cd and another gift token for her.
Time for the “big event” was coming closer and the details had to be run through once more not to make any stupid mistakes that would wake her up. We asked for a master key from the headmistress, explaining why we need it. She laughed and gave the key. In the evening, when others were entertaining Moona, I went to try the key and check all the noises the floor or the door could make and practiced opening the lock and two doors as quietly as possible. I found a little hump on her floor that made the door get stuck, but luckily it helped if I lifted the door a bit. My fear was that she would wake up while messing with this lifting as the door is right next to her bed, next to her head. At the same time, Hannes was piling up the snow behind her window, having the bottle of rum under all of the wet, sticky stuff. Later others made the sign “dig here” and a beautiful cardboard button that was painted red. She just loves buttons!
Anyway, when she finally went to bed and we could get things ready for 3am, it became seriously funny. Two trays, one with cake and plates, the other with wine, glasses and candles had to get to our house. Once that was successful, we agreed to meet quarter to three in pajamas at our house’s door. I guess others had had their laughs earlier on the way down to our house, but when I saw this crowd, especially Hannes I just couldn’t hold myself from laughing. Others were chewing their scarves and trying to look serious. I was angry at myself, we were so close to the major happenings and I was giggling like a 10 year old. I calmed down and we moves slowly to the living room, where I had the trays ready, candles lit and now it was time to start opening the door. Quietly, as I had tried earlier that evening. The tension was filling the air and the act was just ridiculous way beyond imagination. I started to put the key in the keyhole and a burst of laugh came out again. What was I doing? In the darkness of the night unlocking the door of a friend to go in and pretend a party…. I ran quietly to the toilet. Few more laughs, few minutes to calm down, I decided I won’t look at anybody and to be sure I couldn’t laugh, I stuffed the hood of my jumper to my mouth, making it feel uncomfortable and went back to the living room. Quietly, very slowly and almost professionally I got the key into the keyhole. Turning slowly, while pushing the key, so it wouldn’t make any sounds- and the lock was opened. That door was luckily easy to open. Bit by bit, until the door was wide open. Others were ready in case she wakes up that we “have the party” in the living room and I just went to wake her up to cut the cake. Yeah, we had a plan B as well. But she was still asleep. I stepped in and was facing the other door- the one that worried me much more. I started pushing the door slowly. She was turning in bed. I stood still, keeping in mind that I shouldn’t look at her. People tend to feel if someone is staring at them even in sleep. I was waiting for nearly a minute and continued my crazy act. The door touched the floor and it was time to lift it. I tried to do it quietly, but something disturbed Moona again and she moved in bed. I was not breathing, watching the dark ceiling, waiting, probably blue in face while holding the door up in the air a few millimeters . Quiet again. I got the door over the hump and opened it fully. Then slowly, I went back to the others who were almost sure she had woken up as I was gone for so long time, but they put the glasses back to the tray, I took the cake tray, Hannes took the wine tray and we started going into her room, sat down, Mirjam put half a glass of wine to her night table and some cheese biscuits next to her pillow and we started chatting. I couldn’t believe we were actually in there. She woke up and turned her face into the biscuits and when she saw us, she turned back, probably being sure that it’s a dream… and then she asked.. How did you get in here… no way… how did you get in here… it was so funny, we told her that we actually found it a bit rude to fall asleep like that, after all we were her guests that she had invited and now she doesn’t even remember the beginning of the party. Poor thing, we also told her that it is so not nice to kick us to the floor just because she wants to sleep and we advised her not to drink so much wine in future.
To make her feel fresh and ready for the cake, Hannes took a look outside and pointed at the pile of snow that had a sign on “dig here”. Hmmm… and there was a nice tool as well, a scoop. So considerate of us! With a pile of snow that reaches the window, it is the best tool ever, but with no mercy we sent her out to dig out her present. It was funny to look at, but in the madhouse like ours, even the person who was passing by (at 3.30am!) didn’t look at her strangely. If people want to dig early in the morning, they should dig. After strong 10 minutes of fight, she found the bottle and our cake party could start.
Then during the day we didn’t do much anything regarding the birthday, but in the evening we were baking a bit more and after dinner had the official party with the whole school where we gave the other presents and sang the shark song with her name and lifted her 20 times with a chair. It was great again and or 78 years old lady from the states said that she really wants to go to Estonia to see if all people are so nicely crazy there!
Lesson to learn- be afraid of your birthday, you never know how your friends want to celebrate it! They might like hazardous sports.
The next episode was prepared by this crazy gang a few days before, bit by bit so that we wouldn’t disappear all together. We made four boxes with a special filling in each. First one was put right behind her door on the table and SHE MISSED IT, so we had to give very straightforward hints later the day. It consisted of a gift token made by HMTGJ (Hullumaja Tegelik Geniaalne Juhtkond) that freed her from the kitchen duty for the whole day (It was her kitchen duty week) stating veeeery clearly it can only be used on that day. The next box was in the house kitchen, which she of course also missed at first. There was her food for the day. All sorts of candies and stuff like that. The third I placed in the common living room and having learned from previous experiences, I tied a red balloon to the box that was hanging from a book shelf so it could lead her to the box. It must be ordinary for her to see balloons appearing from time to time, so I still had to drag her to the box myself. That box had my short stories printed out for her as she is my kick in the butt her when it comes to writing. The fourth box was decorated by us and that led her to a painting that Mirjam had made; a portrait of her that was absolutely gorgeous. She was crying from time to time during the day, trying to convince us that she is actually not that weepy at all. We didn’t believe.
After the treasure hunt, we went with Hannes to bake two cakes. We were just tired of the ordinary stuff, so we decided to make something different. He made a very yummy apple cake-pie and I made my peach pie and when Mirjam and Moona (Anna-Liisa) came later, we also made two layered cakes with different fruit filling. It was all veeery good and we were almost satisfied with the result, but just two days after Eeva it was Moona’s birthday and we had to start planning that one very fast. We agreed that it has to be something very different and believe me, so it was.
The good thing with Moona is that she sleeps long during the weekends and her birthday was on Monday, so we had time to plan on Saturday and act on Sunday without major disturbances. Saturday brunch was the idea creating time and finally we agreed to try to sneak to her room in the middle of the night and pretend a party that was going on and she just fell asleep after few glasses of wine. As an addition, we wanted to give her a small bottle of her beloved rum and why have it easy… let’s hide it. In the snow! And later the day we should try to embarrass her a bit in front of the whole school singing stupid stuff that Hannes had come up with a few weeks ago. It also has to be said that Moona and I live in the same house, nr 7; others live in houses nr 1 and 2.
So, Sunday came and Eeva and I agreed to meet at 9am to make the cake for the early morning party and some also ready for the evening so we would have less trouble on Monday. As she loves chocolate, we made Sacher cake that is extremely full of dark chocolate. It was quite some work I’m telling you. Next we made two big honey cakes and later also cheese biscuits. It was a full kitchen duty, but very nice. At the same time others prepared a card, a cd and another gift token for her.
Time for the “big event” was coming closer and the details had to be run through once more not to make any stupid mistakes that would wake her up. We asked for a master key from the headmistress, explaining why we need it. She laughed and gave the key. In the evening, when others were entertaining Moona, I went to try the key and check all the noises the floor or the door could make and practiced opening the lock and two doors as quietly as possible. I found a little hump on her floor that made the door get stuck, but luckily it helped if I lifted the door a bit. My fear was that she would wake up while messing with this lifting as the door is right next to her bed, next to her head. At the same time, Hannes was piling up the snow behind her window, having the bottle of rum under all of the wet, sticky stuff. Later others made the sign “dig here” and a beautiful cardboard button that was painted red. She just loves buttons!
Anyway, when she finally went to bed and we could get things ready for 3am, it became seriously funny. Two trays, one with cake and plates, the other with wine, glasses and candles had to get to our house. Once that was successful, we agreed to meet quarter to three in pajamas at our house’s door. I guess others had had their laughs earlier on the way down to our house, but when I saw this crowd, especially Hannes I just couldn’t hold myself from laughing. Others were chewing their scarves and trying to look serious. I was angry at myself, we were so close to the major happenings and I was giggling like a 10 year old. I calmed down and we moves slowly to the living room, where I had the trays ready, candles lit and now it was time to start opening the door. Quietly, as I had tried earlier that evening. The tension was filling the air and the act was just ridiculous way beyond imagination. I started to put the key in the keyhole and a burst of laugh came out again. What was I doing? In the darkness of the night unlocking the door of a friend to go in and pretend a party…. I ran quietly to the toilet. Few more laughs, few minutes to calm down, I decided I won’t look at anybody and to be sure I couldn’t laugh, I stuffed the hood of my jumper to my mouth, making it feel uncomfortable and went back to the living room. Quietly, very slowly and almost professionally I got the key into the keyhole. Turning slowly, while pushing the key, so it wouldn’t make any sounds- and the lock was opened. That door was luckily easy to open. Bit by bit, until the door was wide open. Others were ready in case she wakes up that we “have the party” in the living room and I just went to wake her up to cut the cake. Yeah, we had a plan B as well. But she was still asleep. I stepped in and was facing the other door- the one that worried me much more. I started pushing the door slowly. She was turning in bed. I stood still, keeping in mind that I shouldn’t look at her. People tend to feel if someone is staring at them even in sleep. I was waiting for nearly a minute and continued my crazy act. The door touched the floor and it was time to lift it. I tried to do it quietly, but something disturbed Moona again and she moved in bed. I was not breathing, watching the dark ceiling, waiting, probably blue in face while holding the door up in the air a few millimeters . Quiet again. I got the door over the hump and opened it fully. Then slowly, I went back to the others who were almost sure she had woken up as I was gone for so long time, but they put the glasses back to the tray, I took the cake tray, Hannes took the wine tray and we started going into her room, sat down, Mirjam put half a glass of wine to her night table and some cheese biscuits next to her pillow and we started chatting. I couldn’t believe we were actually in there. She woke up and turned her face into the biscuits and when she saw us, she turned back, probably being sure that it’s a dream… and then she asked.. How did you get in here… no way… how did you get in here… it was so funny, we told her that we actually found it a bit rude to fall asleep like that, after all we were her guests that she had invited and now she doesn’t even remember the beginning of the party. Poor thing, we also told her that it is so not nice to kick us to the floor just because she wants to sleep and we advised her not to drink so much wine in future.
To make her feel fresh and ready for the cake, Hannes took a look outside and pointed at the pile of snow that had a sign on “dig here”. Hmmm… and there was a nice tool as well, a scoop. So considerate of us! With a pile of snow that reaches the window, it is the best tool ever, but with no mercy we sent her out to dig out her present. It was funny to look at, but in the madhouse like ours, even the person who was passing by (at 3.30am!) didn’t look at her strangely. If people want to dig early in the morning, they should dig. After strong 10 minutes of fight, she found the bottle and our cake party could start.
Then during the day we didn’t do much anything regarding the birthday, but in the evening we were baking a bit more and after dinner had the official party with the whole school where we gave the other presents and sang the shark song with her name and lifted her 20 times with a chair. It was great again and or 78 years old lady from the states said that she really wants to go to Estonia to see if all people are so nicely crazy there!
Lesson to learn- be afraid of your birthday, you never know how your friends want to celebrate it! They might like hazardous sports.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Saturday, 6 February 2010
The lesson of the Danish language
I always liked learning languages. I’m not saying I’m too good at it, but not the worst either. It is therefore a bit of a disappointment that I’m back in Denmark where all the fun of looking around like an idiot (and that comes naturally for me and fits all the occasions and reasons) because you don’t understand a single word has passed for me in this country. For the pure sake of fun I still attend the language classes. It wasn’t supposed to be for fun. I was naïve enough to think it might be of some use. I might come to remember some grammar again and maybe would get some work to do that is above “Hej, hvordan går det?” (Hello, how are you?), but in this sentence I’ve already been wrong for many times. First- it is impossible to understand the grammar as we are jumping around the verbs, articles, prepositions and possessive pronouns like kangaroos having no connections made between them and as I understand what the teacher says and I understand what is written on the paper I should get the point, but NOPE, my little brain got confused and my fellow country people went over for other cultural activities- chatting to each other. Second- it is impossible to get some motivating tasks above that greeting, because guess what- our teacher never taught that part! We have no idea about how to present ourselves in the simplest way of being able to say name, age, nationality and why not something about the things we like and dislike? But that is probably too clear and practical and we could even use it, so it is safer to keep us away from this information.
Instead we are dealing to perfection with the pronunciation of the vowels- something that I first got at the advanced course of Danish when I lived here before. And all this goes through a humor-prism that remains not understandable for a bunch of Eastern Europeans. Japanese are a bit easier; they have politeness in them, in genes probably. But the incident of this Friday was just amazing. I had to fight with myself not to die in laughter. We were “explained” different prepositions of the language, clearly unprepared… but for such a professional teacher preparation of classes is probably overestimated and there is no doubt- He does speak Danish, was speaking it already when he was two-three years old, so how hard can it be, right?! Anyway we went through the list of them, having a complete mess on the blackboard, getting almost no examples besides “on the table” and “under the table” and we reached to prepositions “bag” and “bag ved”. Our sweet Japanese girl asked for the difference of these two. The Teacher gave a long “Mmmmmm…”, tried to make face of a know-it-all, but it didn’t help and the girl gave him no more time, just stated the fact “You don’t know.” I seriously thought these will be my last moments alive. Trying to keep quiet, I was catching my breath, making all weird squeaking sounds you can imagine and thought of all sad moments in my life to calm down. The lesson finished, sun came out and I was ready to sing my heart out- yep my next class was singing.
Instead we are dealing to perfection with the pronunciation of the vowels- something that I first got at the advanced course of Danish when I lived here before. And all this goes through a humor-prism that remains not understandable for a bunch of Eastern Europeans. Japanese are a bit easier; they have politeness in them, in genes probably. But the incident of this Friday was just amazing. I had to fight with myself not to die in laughter. We were “explained” different prepositions of the language, clearly unprepared… but for such a professional teacher preparation of classes is probably overestimated and there is no doubt- He does speak Danish, was speaking it already when he was two-three years old, so how hard can it be, right?! Anyway we went through the list of them, having a complete mess on the blackboard, getting almost no examples besides “on the table” and “under the table” and we reached to prepositions “bag” and “bag ved”. Our sweet Japanese girl asked for the difference of these two. The Teacher gave a long “Mmmmmm…”, tried to make face of a know-it-all, but it didn’t help and the girl gave him no more time, just stated the fact “You don’t know.” I seriously thought these will be my last moments alive. Trying to keep quiet, I was catching my breath, making all weird squeaking sounds you can imagine and thought of all sad moments in my life to calm down. The lesson finished, sun came out and I was ready to sing my heart out- yep my next class was singing.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Hot tempered Estonians- cd out soon!
Yup, that is the name of our unofficial band that doesn't really create music, just sometimes, but very irregularily. we are more like rhythm people and in general loud and annoying. At the same time I'm proud to be Estonian... yesterday when a crowd of people were asked to go and help out in the kitchen it was the Estonian crowd that stood up and went without questions asked... But back to our band... It all started with Hannes and I taking music classes and having maaaany hours with different coordination and rhythm exercises. plus singing with all four on the floor, on the back, walking around etc...
Then we discovered spoons. yeah, you couldn't really imagine what a tool that is. And please, more creativity now and get your mind further than soup!
The main purpose of a spoon is to stand on one's nose. Or if preferred, on a cheek and for the intermediate to advanced level, on a chin. Or why not on all. Being suicidal you can try with forks as well and take part in running competition like that- carrying a fork on your nose. Sounds like a proper adult past time activity... But Estonians don't settle with ordinary. We gave it a bit more tune and started to use the tools to beat a rhythm at the same time. Basically beating everything- tables, napkins, apples, mugs, sofas, each other... The mark of participation will remain on your body as a proof, no certificates needed. The cold northern people don't behave so odd... but the southern state of Estonia can afford going bananas. We decided here with the small group of hot tempered Estonians that we don't belong to Scandinavia after all. Proud to be Eastern European! Gimme some beat in life!
Then we discovered spoons. yeah, you couldn't really imagine what a tool that is. And please, more creativity now and get your mind further than soup!
The main purpose of a spoon is to stand on one's nose. Or if preferred, on a cheek and for the intermediate to advanced level, on a chin. Or why not on all. Being suicidal you can try with forks as well and take part in running competition like that- carrying a fork on your nose. Sounds like a proper adult past time activity... But Estonians don't settle with ordinary. We gave it a bit more tune and started to use the tools to beat a rhythm at the same time. Basically beating everything- tables, napkins, apples, mugs, sofas, each other... The mark of participation will remain on your body as a proof, no certificates needed. The cold northern people don't behave so odd... but the southern state of Estonia can afford going bananas. We decided here with the small group of hot tempered Estonians that we don't belong to Scandinavia after all. Proud to be Eastern European! Gimme some beat in life!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Harra Sokk istus kapiriiulil ja sygas varvast. Ilus see kapp ei olnud. Lihtne, puidust kokku klopsitud kapikolakas, mis toenaoliselt saaskede roomuks oli tumepunaseks voobatud. Meelega voi mitte, aga neile pinisevatele lendkurjamitele see varv meeldis, miks muidu oli Harra Sokk varbasygamisega nii ametis, et ei pannud tahele isegi Proua Soki vestlust tumesiniste spordisokikaksikutega. Nagu harilikult, oli vestlusteemaks sokielu praktiline pool- nimelt olid spordisokikaksikud veendunud, et nende tumesinine varv annab neile paevade sisukuses eelise. Proua Sokk pyydis yha valjenevat vaidlust veidi vaigistada. Tal oli liiga selgelt meeles, kuidas viimases vaidluses Harra Sokk endast nii valja laks, et suutis ennast kaugesse kapinurga pimedusse ara peita ja Proua Soki pani see silmitsi seisma tosiasjaga, et ta oli araviskamise aarel, sest kellel ikka vaid yht sokki vaja on. Tookord koperdas Harra Sokk siiski oma peiduurkast valja, aga porises veel ka peale kahenadalast enese varjamist, et ebaoiglane on lahterdada sokke edukateks ja kasututeks vaid nende varvi pohjal. See polevat ikkagi ei habiasi ega kellegi syy, et nende peres on juba mitmendat polve maaravaks heleda alatooniga niit. Lisaks oli ta lausa uhke oma punase lepatriinukaunistuse yle sookisaares, mis just tanu tema hele-helerohelisele varvile nii kaunilt sarama loi. Harra Sokk raakis oma tusatujus alati viisil, nagu oleks oma ylaserva kummi alla neelanud ja see tegi kone pisut pingutatuks.
Proua Sokk ei soovinud oma mehe peitusemange enam kaasa teha ega oma eluga riskida ning ta otsustas kasutada hadavalet ja ytles spordisokikaksikutele, et tal on juustupirukas ahjus ja tunneb juba korbelohna ning lipsas oma kapipoolele tagasi, tommates kilekotiukse kindlalt enda jarel kinni.
Proua Sokk ei soovinud oma mehe peitusemange enam kaasa teha ega oma eluga riskida ning ta otsustas kasutada hadavalet ja ytles spordisokikaksikutele, et tal on juustupirukas ahjus ja tunneb juba korbelohna ning lipsas oma kapipoolele tagasi, tommates kilekotiukse kindlalt enda jarel kinni.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Just no two-wheelers
Getting to Bornholm, my next home, was rather entertaining. Getting up at some strange hour, dad drove me to the airport. Regardless the weather the flight was on time- they probably really are used to everything in Estonia. Reaching Copenhagen at 7.20- just the time to go to work and me? I was just blessed with sunshine, some snow and mild minus degrees and a full day in one of my favourite cities in the world. I took train to central and I could even put my luggage to the central stations luggage store and off to town went to hunt for some breakfast as believe it or not, i wasn't really up for breakfast at 4am. 9am was much better for that.
I could find the bus to Bornholm with no special struggle and by that time i was already so sleepy i was sleeping through the whole trip to Ystad in Sweden to take the ferry to Bornholm. Fruit smoothie on the ferry and i felt half awake again. At least awake enough to continue reading my book which caused strange faces on the ferry as it is probably not a custom that one girl sits in the corner and laughs on her own. I felt great.
As it had been snowing on Bornholm the whole day the headmistress asked me to take a taxi as she didn't want to drive. So the last bit of a transport was a taxi with a very nice and talkative driver.
In one day- car, plane, train, bus, ferry and taxi- i just missed a bicycle or something. What a mistake!
I could find the bus to Bornholm with no special struggle and by that time i was already so sleepy i was sleeping through the whole trip to Ystad in Sweden to take the ferry to Bornholm. Fruit smoothie on the ferry and i felt half awake again. At least awake enough to continue reading my book which caused strange faces on the ferry as it is probably not a custom that one girl sits in the corner and laughs on her own. I felt great.
As it had been snowing on Bornholm the whole day the headmistress asked me to take a taxi as she didn't want to drive. So the last bit of a transport was a taxi with a very nice and talkative driver.
In one day- car, plane, train, bus, ferry and taxi- i just missed a bicycle or something. What a mistake!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
No change in my life style- just in the name of the country(ies)
Guess what... a year has passed and all the travelling from Malawi to UK, working in UK, being at home for long summer holiday, visiting Latvia, working in UK again and leaving my work there with all the juicy tiny bits, happenings and disasters haven't been written down... My deepest apologies to Liina and her sister! Others of course as well...
Guess what 2... I'm packing again. This time my travel takes me so nearby and for such a short time that I was even considering not to change my profile country in Orkut- then again, maybe I will, as nobody likes liars. If I only knew which country does it state right now. I will check that out later.
To the business- I'm going to Denmark (an island called Bornholm) for 4 months, starting my trip at a most convenient hour- 4.30 am tomorrow- to go to an art school. It will be a bit a of a change to my vans, trucks, buses, forklifts, containers, fan belts and all the beautiful machine park I tried to manage in Newcastle/Durham.
So this 4 months will make me a calm, sensible, creative, stable person that stops wandering around the world, gets a bank loan with all the rest and spends rest of the life paying it back. Hey, I got carried away plus having an issue with lies again, but I can't really correct my mistakes now as I have to packmy suitcase AGAIN.
Guess what 2... I'm packing again. This time my travel takes me so nearby and for such a short time that I was even considering not to change my profile country in Orkut- then again, maybe I will, as nobody likes liars. If I only knew which country does it state right now. I will check that out later.
To the business- I'm going to Denmark (an island called Bornholm) for 4 months, starting my trip at a most convenient hour- 4.30 am tomorrow- to go to an art school. It will be a bit a of a change to my vans, trucks, buses, forklifts, containers, fan belts and all the beautiful machine park I tried to manage in Newcastle/Durham.
So this 4 months will make me a calm, sensible, creative, stable person that stops wandering around the world, gets a bank loan with all the rest and spends rest of the life paying it back. Hey, I got carried away plus having an issue with lies again, but I can't really correct my mistakes now as I have to packmy suitcase AGAIN.
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